Considering the 1)egregiously 2)heavy-handed state of 3)retouching these days, it would be hard to imagine a Photoshop-free magazine cover. Remember the big 4)Faith Hill before and after Redbook cover? The weird gold 5)Gwyneth Paltrow cover of W? The “Is that really 6)Drew Barrymore” Vogue cover? And the Marie Claire cover of 7)Tina Fey, where she looks great, but not quite like herself...
Speaking of Photoshop in fashion area, the new 8)Jennifer Hudson album cover has been released for her upcoming debut album. We think JHud looks good on the album cover but it does seem that there is some Photoshop involved. Jennifer is a 9)curvaceous woman and we love the fact that she is a natural beauty. But this pic shows her with a size 2 waist that even the strongest 10)corset would not be able to create.When Jennifer Hudson was on the red carpet in London for the “Keep A Child Alive Benefit Ball”, her waist didn’t look as slim. It makes perfect sense to us that the magic of Photoshop was possibly involved.
Here is another case. The ladies in Sex and the City (2008) look like no time has passed since they first began sipping cosmos together on-screen a decade ago. Ah, Hollywood magic. Still, some news outlets are expressing surprise that the actresses may have been digitally enhanced in the 11)promo pictures. U.K. newspapers the Telegraph and Daily Mail both had pieces “exposing” the 12)airbrushed shots. Brits, help me out: Do people not use Photoshop 13)across the pond? Or have we Americans been so conditioned to expect extreme reality 14)makeovers that we no longer notice a digital 15)nip here or computerized tuck there? 16)Heck, even the women’s original Sex and the City photo shoot for the TV show 10 years ago was retouched.
Jezebel.com released an un-retouched Redbook cover image that caused a bit of a 17)stir. It was meant to. But more than 18)courting publicity and 19)traffic, the image they obtained and displayed was meant to show just how far the cover lie extends; that even in and on a women’s magazine meant for a more mature female audience (working moms, etc.) and featuring a more mature female celebrity (career-woman and mother-of-three Faith Hill), the lies and half-truths continue to be 20)perpetuated. Honestly, it’s sort of heartbreaking that it was Redbook; the magazine has been criticized before for some questionable covers (such as Jennifer Aniston and Julia Roberts) and, after all, readers of magazines like Redbook worry that they can’t have it all as it is (the great career, the loving husband, the healthy kids, the perfect body). Plus, at this point in the evolution of the 21)celebrity-sartorial complex, who or what exactly is Redbook—or any number of other women’s magazines—kidding with such a female22)forgery? Go to any name-brand, pop culture website and you can see galleries upon galleries of images of celebrities (female and male alike) in their normal, un-retouched, unlit and still-sickeningly-hot states. Why do women’s magazines continue to insist on providing readers just the opposite? Is it stubbornness? The selling of fantasy? Or the selling of other things, i.e. advertising revenue? And if so, is it really necessary to shave 10-15 pounds off a woman and erase exactly what it is (the 23)freckles, the 24)moles, the laugh lines) about her that makes her human and accessible and interesting in order to sell a bit of soap?
Some would say “yes, the half-truths of women’s magazine covers and cover-lines are necessary” (these people usually work on the business sides of such magazines). Others would say “yes” because they know no other way, or are too afraid to say “no” (these people often 25)toil on the editorial sides of such magazines). But as necessary as retouching may seem in order to fill the 26)coffers of corporate 27)behemoths like Procter & Gamble, 28)Revlon or Warner Brothers Records, it is not okay for the rest of us—the readers, that is—that this goes on. In a world where lying, deception, and the 29)fudging of facts has become 30)endemic in everything, all the way up to the highest levels of government, this is yet another example of a fraud being 31)perpetrated on the public... and the public, for the most part, is not yet in on the joke. Magazine-retouching may not be a lie 32)on par with, you know, “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction,” but in a world where girls as young as eight are going on the 33)South Beach Diet, teenagers are getting breast 34)implants as graduation gifts, professional women are almost required to 35)fetishize handbags, and everyone is spending way too much time figuring out how to pose in a way that will look as good as that friend with the really popular MySpace profile, it’s wrong.
Yet some people still insist that retouching magazine covers presents no problems. “Faith is beautiful in both shots. But who wouldn’t love 36)sleek arms and a tight waist like in the ‘After’ shot?” one Jezbel.com reader said. The question remains: When you have to make these women look “better” to sell your product, what standard of beauty do you have?
这个年头,大刀阔斧修描图片的风气大行其道,你已经很难想像有哪个杂志封面是没有经过图像处理的了。还记得轰动一时,登上时尚杂志Redbook封面的“大变身”菲丝·希尔照片吗?时装杂志W封面上一头金发但看上去怪怪的格温妮丝·帕特洛呢?时装杂志Vogue一期让人不禁发问“那真的是德鲁·巴里摩尔吗”的封面,记得吧?还有时尚杂志Marie Claire封面上的蒂娜·费,封面上的她看起来棒极了,可就是不太像她本人……
仍然有些人认为拿经过润色的图片做杂志封面是没有问题的。“菲丝在两张照片上都很美,可谁不喜欢‘变身后’那光滑的胳膊和纤细的腰肢呢?” Jezbel.com的一名读者如是道。看来问题仍旧存在:如果你一定要把这些女性变“好看些”来推销你的产品,那你对于美的标准是什么?
Speaking of Photoshop in fashion area, the new 8)Jennifer Hudson album cover has been released for her upcoming debut album. We think JHud looks good on the album cover but it does seem that there is some Photoshop involved. Jennifer is a 9)curvaceous woman and we love the fact that she is a natural beauty. But this pic shows her with a size 2 waist that even the strongest 10)corset would not be able to create.When Jennifer Hudson was on the red carpet in London for the “Keep A Child Alive Benefit Ball”, her waist didn’t look as slim. It makes perfect sense to us that the magic of Photoshop was possibly involved.
Here is another case. The ladies in Sex and the City (2008) look like no time has passed since they first began sipping cosmos together on-screen a decade ago. Ah, Hollywood magic. Still, some news outlets are expressing surprise that the actresses may have been digitally enhanced in the 11)promo pictures. U.K. newspapers the Telegraph and Daily Mail both had pieces “exposing” the 12)airbrushed shots. Brits, help me out: Do people not use Photoshop 13)across the pond? Or have we Americans been so conditioned to expect extreme reality 14)makeovers that we no longer notice a digital 15)nip here or computerized tuck there? 16)Heck, even the women’s original Sex and the City photo shoot for the TV show 10 years ago was retouched.
Jezebel.com released an un-retouched Redbook cover image that caused a bit of a 17)stir. It was meant to. But more than 18)courting publicity and 19)traffic, the image they obtained and displayed was meant to show just how far the cover lie extends; that even in and on a women’s magazine meant for a more mature female audience (working moms, etc.) and featuring a more mature female celebrity (career-woman and mother-of-three Faith Hill), the lies and half-truths continue to be 20)perpetuated. Honestly, it’s sort of heartbreaking that it was Redbook; the magazine has been criticized before for some questionable covers (such as Jennifer Aniston and Julia Roberts) and, after all, readers of magazines like Redbook worry that they can’t have it all as it is (the great career, the loving husband, the healthy kids, the perfect body). Plus, at this point in the evolution of the 21)celebrity-sartorial complex, who or what exactly is Redbook—or any number of other women’s magazines—kidding with such a female22)forgery? Go to any name-brand, pop culture website and you can see galleries upon galleries of images of celebrities (female and male alike) in their normal, un-retouched, unlit and still-sickeningly-hot states. Why do women’s magazines continue to insist on providing readers just the opposite? Is it stubbornness? The selling of fantasy? Or the selling of other things, i.e. advertising revenue? And if so, is it really necessary to shave 10-15 pounds off a woman and erase exactly what it is (the 23)freckles, the 24)moles, the laugh lines) about her that makes her human and accessible and interesting in order to sell a bit of soap?
Some would say “yes, the half-truths of women’s magazine covers and cover-lines are necessary” (these people usually work on the business sides of such magazines). Others would say “yes” because they know no other way, or are too afraid to say “no” (these people often 25)toil on the editorial sides of such magazines). But as necessary as retouching may seem in order to fill the 26)coffers of corporate 27)behemoths like Procter & Gamble, 28)Revlon or Warner Brothers Records, it is not okay for the rest of us—the readers, that is—that this goes on. In a world where lying, deception, and the 29)fudging of facts has become 30)endemic in everything, all the way up to the highest levels of government, this is yet another example of a fraud being 31)perpetrated on the public... and the public, for the most part, is not yet in on the joke. Magazine-retouching may not be a lie 32)on par with, you know, “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction,” but in a world where girls as young as eight are going on the 33)South Beach Diet, teenagers are getting breast 34)implants as graduation gifts, professional women are almost required to 35)fetishize handbags, and everyone is spending way too much time figuring out how to pose in a way that will look as good as that friend with the really popular MySpace profile, it’s wrong.
Yet some people still insist that retouching magazine covers presents no problems. “Faith is beautiful in both shots. But who wouldn’t love 36)sleek arms and a tight waist like in the ‘After’ shot?” one Jezbel.com reader said. The question remains: When you have to make these women look “better” to sell your product, what standard of beauty do you have?
这个年头,大刀阔斧修描图片的风气大行其道,你已经很难想像有哪个杂志封面是没有经过图像处理的了。还记得轰动一时,登上时尚杂志Redbook封面的“大变身”菲丝·希尔照片吗?时装杂志W封面上一头金发但看上去怪怪的格温妮丝·帕特洛呢?时装杂志Vogue一期让人不禁发问“那真的是德鲁·巴里摩尔吗”的封面,记得吧?还有时尚杂志Marie Claire封面上的蒂娜·费,封面上的她看起来棒极了,可就是不太像她本人……
仍然有些人认为拿经过润色的图片做杂志封面是没有问题的。“菲丝在两张照片上都很美,可谁不喜欢‘变身后’那光滑的胳膊和纤细的腰肢呢?” Jezbel.com的一名读者如是道。看来问题仍旧存在:如果你一定要把这些女性变“好看些”来推销你的产品,那你对于美的标准是什么?