为了摸索杂交水稻制种高产的新途径,一九七七年早造在合作二队进行了移父制种试验。制种组合是珍汕97A×IR 661,面积0.91亩(按插母本面积计),总产杂交种子一百九十斤,折亩产二百零八斤八两,比相邻同等管理水平普通方法制种亩产一百一十斤八两,每亩增产九十八斤,增88%。移父制种是一个制种的新方法,主要做法是把父本和母本分开两处插植,分别管理,到将始穗时,看哪一期父本与母本花期相遇,即把这期父本移入母本行间授粉。这个制种方法的好处是可使父母本花期相遇好,
In order to explore a new way of high yielding hybrid rice seed, in early 1977 the team made the cooperation of the second shift of seed production test. Seed combination is Zhenshan 97A × IR 661, an area of 0.91 acres (according to the mother of the area), the total output of hybrid seeds one hundred and ninety pounds, yield 208 kilograms per mu yield 82, the same level of management than the adjacent Common method of seed production per acre 110 kg 82, yield 98 kg per mu, up 88%. The parental plantation is a new method of seed production, the main approach is to separate the parent and the female parent planting two separately, to the beginning of the ear, to see which period of male and female flowering meet, that is This period, the father moved into the mother bank pollination. The advantage of this method of seed production is that parents can meet the flowering date well,