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为了加强事业行政单位的财务管理,财政部门年初对事业行政单位帐簿实行统一登记、编号,并要求其按季报送帐面余额表,实行财政监督,以防止单位转移资金建立帐外帐。一、事业行政单位实行帐簿登记是新时期财务管理的客观要求 1.资金结构的变化,对财政工作提出了新的要求。改革开放的十年来,事业行政单位的资金结构发生了很大变化,其资金由过去单纯的财政拨款逐步扩大到财政拨款以外的一些其他资金,即自有资金。形成这一资金结构变化的主要原因,一是由于财政管理体制的改革,充分调动了中央和地方两个积极性,为各地方、各部门广辟生财之路创造了条件。二是近些年来国家财力严重不足,国家增开的一些政策性支出 In order to strengthen the financial management of the administrative units, the financial department shall uniformly register and number the administrative books of the administrative units at the beginning of the year and require them to submit the quarterly balance sheet and implement the financial supervision so as to prevent the units from transferring funds to establish the accounts. First, the cause of the administrative units to implement the book registration is an objective requirement of the new era of financial management 1. Changes in funding structure, the financial work put forward new requirements. In the ten years since the reform and opening up, the capital structure of the administrative units of the undertaking has undergone great changes. Its funds have been gradually expanded from past purely financial appropriations to some other funds outside the financial appropriations, namely, self-owned funds. The main reason for this change in the funding structure is that the reform of the fiscal management system fully mobilized the enthusiasm of both the central and local governments and created the conditions for all localities and departments to broaden their means of making money. Second, some state-funded fiscal expenditures have been a serious problem in recent years due to a serious shortage of state financial resources
敌稗可防除稻田中的稗草,2,4-D丁酯可防除阔叶杂草,但这两种除草剂不能混用.喷过2,4—D丁酯的喷雾器如果清洗不干净,再喷敌稗就会使水稻受害. Propanil can prevent barnya
摘要《黄四姐》作为土家族民间风俗的重要代表,凝聚了土家族音乐的众多特点。从它的音乐特征、唱腔衬词、舞蹈动作、表演形式等方面进行研究,能寻找出丰富的生活素材和文化信息。且不仅能为音乐工作者在创作上提供更多的音乐创作元素,还对于文化的多样性和人类的创造力具有重要的推动作用。  关键词:土家族 黄四姐 艺术特征 保护和传承  中图分类号:J607 文献标识码:A    建始县是湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州
【正】 孝感地区财政学会于去年11月在广水市召开了首届行财理论研讨会。会议共收到24篇论文,通过定性分析与定量分析结合、理性思考与经验总结相结合,认真回顾反思了十多年
目的研究小花鬼针草B id ens p arv if lora全株的化学成分,并通过抑制组胺释放活性方法寻找生物活性化合物。方法采用硅胶、Sephadex LH-20和ODS柱色谱分离化合物,运用1D NM