鲁迅先生曾编写了一部生理学讲义,这是一件听了令人惊奇而又高兴的事。鲁迅先生这部书,称为《人生象(学攵)》(按“(学攵)”音效,与“学”通),似即“人生现象学”之意。这书是鲁迅先生1909年从日本留学回国后,在杭州浙江两级师范学堂担任生理学和化学教员时(任教仅一年)所编写的,现陈列在鲁迅博物馆,并收入《鲁迅全集补遗续编》(唐弢编,1952年)中,全书约十万字。书后还附有“生理实验术要略”,共列出14个实验。这一部分也另收入1981年《鲁迅全集8,集外集拾遗补编》中。《人生象(学攵)》的要目如下: 绪论
Mr. Lu Xun had written a physiology handout, which was a pleasant and happy thing to hear. This book of Mr. Lu Xun is called “life like” (according to “(攵 攵)” sound effect, and “learning” pass), it seems that “life phenomenology” means. This book was written by Lu Xun in 1909 after he returned from studying in Japan and worked as a physiology and chemistry teacher (taught only for one year) at Zhejiang Teachers’ College of Zhejiang and Hangzhou. He is now on display at the Lu Xun Museum and reposes the “Continuation of Lu Xun’s Supplement ”(Tang Tao series, 1952), the book is about 100,000 words. The book also comes with “Physiological experimental surgery strategy”, a total of 14 experiments listed. This part is also the other income in 1981, “Lu Xun’s Complete Works 8, collection set Supplements”. The key points of “life like (learning)” are as follows: Introduction