自一九四九年后,海峡两岸不通往来者逾四十年。近日,两岸政治紧张气氛逐渐松弛,这现象,不但使两岸人士兴奋,即使终身在海外的游子们,也觉得欣幸鼓舞。毕竟“血浓于水”,身为华夏子裔,母国的情怀是不能放释的。 去年六月初,大陆六位著名学者应邀访问台湾。接着在七月初,中央研究院院士在台北开院士会议。院士徐贤修先生提议“加速两岸学术交流案”。提案书中提及两岸合则两利,应以“共同途径发展科技,人文社会科学,互补短长。”
Since 1949, more than 40 years have passed between the two sides of the strait. Recently, the gradual relaxation of political tension on both sides of the Strait has not only excited the people on both sides of the Straits, but also encouraged them to enjoy their journey abroad. After all, “blood is thicker than water,” as a Chinese descent, the feelings of the motherland can not be released. In early June last year, six famous scholars from mainland China were invited to visit Taiwan. Then in early July, academicians of the Academia Sinica opened their meeting in Taipei. Academician Xu Xianxiu proposed “to speed up cross-Strait academic exchange case.” The proposal mentions that the two sides of the strait should combine the two interests, and should develop the science and technology, humanities and social sciences with a common approach and complement each other with each other.