1994年5月间,新华社的一篇报道引人注目:湖北省荆门市发现一具战国女尸,它是目前我国乃至世界所发现的第一具外形、骨骼基本保存完整的战国女尸,距今已有2300年,比长沙马王堆出土的西汉女尸和江陵凤凰山出土的西汉男尸至少要早100年,对考古、医学等诸多学科具有极其重要的科学研究价值,堪称“稀世国宝”。 不幸的是,这件国宝不是由文物考古工作者科学发掘出土,而是被一伙罪恶的犯罪分子以野蛮、愚昧的手段从古墓中盗出,经百般作践,惨遭严重破坏,而今已面目全非。 消息传出,世人震惊,群情激愤。
In May 1994, a Xinhua News Agency article caught the attention of the public: Jingmen City, Hubei Province, discovered a Warring States woman’s body, which is currently found in our country and even the world’s first shape with a skeleton preserved in the Warring States Period. For 2300 years, it has been at least 100 years earlier than the Western Han Dynasty female body excavated from the Mawangdui and the Western Han Dynasty manuscripts unearthed from the Fenghuangshan of Jiangling. It has extremely important scientific research value on many disciplines such as archeology and medicine, and is called “rare national treasure” . Unfortunately, this national treasure was not unearthed by the scientific excavations of archeological and cultural relics by archaeologists, but was stolen out of ancient tombs by a group of evil criminals by savage and ignorant means. After all kinds of practices, it was severely damaged and now is beyond recognition. . News, the world was shocked, angry crowd.