美国国家研究委员会(National Research Courtcil)饮水安全委员会组织了100名左右的科学家,进行了18个月的研究,以协助制订水质标准,检查了饮水中161种元素和化合物的不良作用,结论如下: 一、认为大多数无机化学物质很少或者不危害人的健康,不过现行的砷和铅的标准是不够安全的,应当复查。二、现行的水中硝酸盐限值不足以预防一些婴儿患正铁血红蛋白血症。另一方面当前科学提供的证据并未表明水中的硝酸盐增加了发生癌症的危险。
The National Research Council’s Water Safety Committee organized around 100 scientists and conducted an 18-month study to help develop water quality standards and examined the adverse effects of 161 elements and chemicals in drinking water. The conclusions are as follows: First, most inorganic chemicals are considered to be less or not harmful to human health, but the current arsenic and lead standards are not safe enough and should be reviewed. Second, the current limit of nitrate in water is not enough to prevent methemoglobinemia in some infants. On the other hand, evidence provided by current science does not suggest that nitrates in water increase the risk of developing cancer.