燃气机组是我国电网重要调峰电源,如何充分发挥其调峰性能对缓解电网调峰压力尤为关键.该文考虑燃气机组日启停运行现状,提出混合启发搜索策略和切负荷策略的燃气机组调峰运行方法.该方法将计划电量作为单机控制目标,考虑出力上下限确定机组开机时长范围,同时以负荷高低为启发信息,搜索确定可行的连续开机时段集合;考虑可调出力下限,采用改进切负荷策略优化确定每种开机方案的高峰出力过程,并以余荷均方差最小为准则选择最优的开机运行方案和机组发电计划.通过浙江电网日前发电计划数据应用分析表明,该文所提方法改进了以往燃气机组高峰时段固定出力的运行方式,提高了对负荷调节的灵活性,较实际发电计划具有更好的调峰效果.“,”Since peaking problem has been the hotspot problem faced by grid scheduling,how to fully play peak performance of gas-fired units is important for alleviating peaking pressure in thermal power-based grid.A peaking regulation method for daily start-stop gas-fired units was proposed,which cooperating the hybrid heuristic search strategy and load shedding strategy.With the given energy production control target,the proposed method first calculated the range of units operation time,and taken the load level as the heuristic information to search the feasible set of units operation time slot.An improved load shedding strategy was then used to determine the generation profile at peak hours.The objective of minimizing the mean square deviation of residual load was utilized to select an optimal unit generating plan from all calculation results obtained by the above steps.Compared with the current generation schedule in real engineering,the optimized results show better peak-shaving of system load.The load differences between peaks and off-peaks and standard deviation of residual load process are greatly reduced.These show that the proposed method can take full use of the regulating ability of the gas-fired to respond to the peak loads of power grids.