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抗战相持阶段到来后,国共军事摩擦进一步扩大,沈钧儒等一部分坚持团结抗战的国民参政员非常忧虑。他们在国民参政会一届四次大会上提出要求组织华北慰劳视察团,了解国共军事摩擦真相,找出解决办法。然而,由于国民党坚持消灭中共、消灭抗日根据地的阴谋和对国民参政会的强力控制,中共对视察团的真实目的表示怀疑,并向国民参政会发去了质疑电文,致使视察团并没有考察国共军事摩擦最为严重的陕北,沈钧儒等参政员提出该提案的目的也未达到。 After the advent of the stalemate in the war of resistance against Japan, the military friction between the Kuomintang and the Communist government has been further widened. Some members of the National People’s Government, such as Shen Junru, who insisted on uniting the war of resistance against Japan, are very worried. At the Fourth General Assembly of the National People’s Political Council, they asked to organize a visiting delegation to North China to understand the truth of the military friction between the KMT and the CPC and find out solutions. However, as the Kuomintang persevered in the plot to annihilate the CPC and eliminate the anti-Japanese base areas and its strong control over the National People’s Congress, the Chinese side expressed its doubts about the true purpose of the mission and sent a questioning message to the National Assembly that the delegation did not inspect the Kuomintang The most serious military friction in northern Shaanxi, Shen Junru and other politicians proposed the proposal has not achieved the purpose.
1. 深施覆土。碳酸氢铵深施覆土,能减少挥发,提高肥效。深施方法有施后翻地覆土或沟施、穴施、打洞施和制成球肥深施等。施肥深度应达6~10厘米。  2. 湿土施用。湿土地施碳酸氢铵能使肥料迅速溶解,被土壤吸收,减少损失,所以宜雨后及时施或施后即淋水。   3. 施后灌水。旱地施碳酸氢铵后即灌(淋)水,有利于稀释肥分,减少挥发,提高肥效。   4. 宜做基肥。碳酸氢铵做基肥能很好地深施于耕作层,有利于
一、采集接种物  为了加快沼气原料发酵的启动速度和提高沼气池产气量,而向沼气池加入富含沼气微生物的物质,统称为沼气池接种物。它的作用就像蒸馒头人们要用老面来发酵一样。目前,由于没有纯产甲烷菌可利用,所以在沼气的制取过程中一般均采用自然界的活性污泥做接种物,如城市污水处理厂的污泥、池塘底部的污泥、粪坑底部的沉渣等,都含有大量的沼气微生物,特别是屠宰场、食品加工厂和酿造厂的下水污泥等,由于有机物含量多