元宝枫(Acer trun ca tum Bge)系我国北方优良的观赏树种。其木材优良,为淡肉红色,材质坚韧,木纹美丽,用途广泛。树姿优美,树冠浓荫,叶形美丽,嫩叶红色,秋叶橙黄色或红色,为行道树和城市景观林首选的重要秋色叶树种。果皮和种皮富含单宁,花具蜜腺,是一种良好的蜜源植物。
Acer trun ca tum Bge is an excellent ornamental tree species in northern China. Its fine wood, light flesh, tough material, beautiful wood, wide range of uses. Beautiful tree pose, crown shade, beautiful foliage, young leaves red, orange or red autumn leaves, trees and city landscapes for the forest is the first choice of important autumn leaves species. Peel and seed coat is rich in tannin, nectar with flowers, is a good honey plant.