近年来油菜素内酯(brassinolide 简称 BR),是国际上引人注目的一类新型甾体类植物生长激素。国外在水稻、小麦、蔬菜及一些果树上,进行了不同生育期和使用 BR 不同浓度的试验研究,证明具有效作用的浓度低(1ppm 以下)、使用安全、增产效果显著等特点,从而引起人们的重视。去年,我们用日本提供的 BR,在晚粳稻孕穗至抽穗始期进行不同浓度叶面喷雾对比试验,探讨 BR 在本地区水稻上实际应用的效果,为开展大田应用提供依据。现将试验情况作一介绍。
In recent years brassinolide (brassinolide referred to as BR), is a new type of steroid hormones in the world. Abroad in rice, wheat, vegetables and some fruit trees, different growth stages and the use of different concentrations of BR experimental studies have shown that the effective concentration of low concentration (1ppm or less), the use of safety, yield significant effect and so on, so as to cause people The importance of. Last year, we used the BR provided by Japan to conduct contrast experiments on different concentrations of foliar spray at the booting stage to heading stage of late japonica rice to explore the practical application of BR on rice in this region and provide a basis for the field application. Now the test situation for an introduction.