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【目的】谷瘟病是谷子生产中的重要病害,确定谷瘟病菌不同生理小种对谷子抗病资源鉴定、抗病品种培育和生产上不同抗病品种的合理配置有重要意义。构建谷瘟病小种鉴别的谷子品种体系,为鉴别不同谷瘟病生理小种奠定基础。【方法】用采集自不同谷子产区的10份谷瘟病菌对苗期谷子核心种质资源的60份代表品种进行接种鉴定,分别对不同菌株进行致病性和谷子品种抗、感敏感性判定,按照谷子谷瘟病0—9级法划分标准进行划分,将不同的抗性结果分别记录为高抗、抗病、中抗、感病和高感5个抗病水平,其中,高抗、抗病和中抗记作0,感病和高感记作1,将抗感性结果转化为0/1数据,用NTSYS软件构建进化树,根据品种的抗感性分类,选择最少的品种数量构建谷瘟病小种鉴定的标准品种体系。【结果】根据谷子资源对接种病菌的抗感反应差异,用NTSYS软件开展谷瘟病菌致病性聚类分析,以相似系数0.70为界,将10个谷瘟病菌株分为3类,将供试品种对10个谷瘟病菌株的抗感反应数据同样用NTSYS软件进行聚类分析,以相似系数0.65为界,将谷子品种资源划分为5类,并筛选出单皮粘、金屏谷子、锦谷5号、大毛毛谷、龙爪谷、假金苗和牛头谷等7个品种作为谷瘟病小种鉴别品种体系。同时筛选出黄棒头、齐头黄、单皮粘、白谷、维子那谷和郑谷4号等6个抗广谱菌株的品种,可以作为谷子抗病育种的抗性基因来源。【结论】建立了一套谷瘟病生理小种鉴别的品种体系,并为谷子抗谷瘟病育种筛选出多份广谱抗性基础材料。 【Objective】 The rice blast is an important disease in millet production. It is of great importance to identify different physiological races of the cold blast fungus for the identification of disease-resistant resources of millet, the cultivation of resistant varieties and the rational disposition of different resistant varieties in the production. The construction of the millet variety system for the identification of the blast-type races laid the foundation for identification of the physiological races of different blast-disease. 【Method】 60 representative cultivars of millet kernel germplasm at seedling stage were inoculated with 10 copies of M. grisea collected from different millet producing areas. The resistance and susceptibility of different strains to pathogenicity and millet were evaluated respectively , Divided according to 0-9 level divisible criteria of valley blast, record different resistance results as 5 levels of resistance, resistance, moderate resistance, susceptibility and high sensitivity respectively. Among them, high resistance and resistance Disease and Zhongkang recorded as 0, susceptible and highly susceptible were recorded as 1, the anti-susceptibility results were transformed into 0/1 data, and the phylogenetic tree was constructed by NTSYS software. According to the anti-susceptibility classification of varieties, the least number of cultivars was selected to construct the rice blast Small species identification of the standard species system. 【Result】 According to the difference of resistance to mildew of millet germplasm resources, the cluster analysis of pathogenicity of Magnaporthe grisea with NTSYS software was carried out. Based on similarity coefficient of 0.70, 10 strains of Magnaporthe grisea were divided into three groups, The anti-susceptibility data of 10 strains of M. grisea were also clustered by NTSYS software. Based on the similarity coefficient of 0.65, the varieties of millet were divided into 5 categories, and single-sticky, golden-screen millet, No. 5, Mao Mao Gu, Longzhaogu, false gold seedlings and cattle Tau Valley, seven varieties as the identification of varieties of blast races system. At the same time, six strains of broad-spectrum resistant strains such as Huangdoutou, Qitouhuang, Shanpiyou, Baigu, Weizhenaogu and Zhenggu 4 were screened, which could be used as the source of resistant genes for millet resistance breeding. 【Conclusion】 A set of variety system was established for the identification of cucumber blast races, and a number of broad-spectrum resistant base materials were screened for millet blast-resistant breeding.
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