The short story “The Secret Life of Walter Michae” tells the story of how middle-aged men Mithrow escaped real life, all day long immersed in dreams, and how to wake up wives and others. This novel is ridiculous and entertaining. This article is an attempt made by the author to analyze the reasons why the inquiry works are attractive, touching, and thought-provoking. The author tries to start from the analysis of the personality of the master, explores how the author combines and uses the symbolism and the traditional description in shaping the task and presenting the theme, and thus shows the true intention of his creation. The results showed that the secret life of Miti was endowed with the true characteristics of life, reflecting the real life of modern life: lonely, mediocre, lingering, declining; at the same time, the other character Madame Lady symbolizes To stop this lonely sentiment towards a strong force of spiritual crisis. Vivid character images and successful characterization highlight the theme of the story: Although modern life is poor, disorderly and alienated, people can not simply choose to avoid it. Instead, they should return to the reality and the crowd and accept their destiny and challenge.