安徽省境内沿长江黄金水道401km地带集中了马鞍山、芜湖、铜陵、安庆4个省辖市,是安徽省工业密集区域,也是全国重要的钢铁、有色金属、化工、轻纺、机电、建材生产基地。加快安徽沿江4市的开发,对于推动安徽省乃至整个长江流域的经济发展具有重要的战略意义。一、开发条件优越、潜力巨大1.资源丰富、智力密集 安徽沿江4市是安徽沿江经济区的中心,共有土地面积2.15万km~2,土地类型多样,地貌复杂,平原、丘陵和山地俱全,沃野连片,阡陌纵横。湖泊众多,河流成网,水资源丰富,气候温暖,四季分明,雨热同季,宜于各种生物繁衍生息,是
Anhui Province, along the Yangtze River golden waterway 401km zone Ma’anshan, Wuhu, Tongling, Anqing 4 provincial cities, is an industrial-intensive areas in Anhui Province, but also the country’s major steel, non-ferrous metals, chemical, textile, mechanical and electrical, building materials production base . Accelerating the development of 4 cities along the Yangtze River in Anhui Province is of strategic importance for promoting the economic development of Anhui Province and the entire Yangtze River Basin. First, the development of superior conditions, great potential 1. Rich in resources, intellectual intensive 4 cities along the Yangtze River in Anhui is the center of the economic zone along the Yangtze River in Anhui, a total area of 21,500 km2, land types are diverse, complex terrain, plain, hills and mountains, Wilderness contiguous, criss-cross terraced rice fields. Many lakes, river networks, rich in water resources, the climate is warm, four seasons, rain and heat in the same season, should be multiplied in all kinds of creatures, is