本文从马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林和毛泽东关于农业与农村问题的基本理论出发 ,对我国社会主义农业生产体制变迁的历史过程进行考察。作者认为 ,农村家庭联产承包责任制实质上是在中国封闭的、大一统的计划经济体制内创造了一个有活力的市场经济细胞。它突破了一大二公三纯的公有制思想框框 ,突破了僵化的单一公有制 ,取得了探索公有制新的实现形式的决定性胜利 ,形成了改革的一种利益主体和依靠力量 ,成为农村乃至全国此后一系列变革和进步的第一推动力 ,具有深远的理论意义 ,是马克思主义合作化理论的新发展。
Based on the basic theories of agriculture and rural areas of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao Zedong, this paper examines the historical process of the socialist system of agricultural production in our country. The author believes that the household contract responsibility system in rural areas has essentially created a viable market economy within a closed and unified planned economy in China. It broke through the one male, two female, male and female public opinion system, broke through the rigid single public ownership system, and achieved a decisive victory in exploring a new form of public ownership. It formed a mainstay of reform and relied on strength to become the country after the country The first impetus of a series of changes and progress has far-reaching theoretical significance and is a new development of Marxist theory of cooperation.