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房地产业的发展状况与区域经济发展水平密切相关,其产业地位的合理确定必须依据区域经济的发达程度。欠发达地区不应盲从国家及部分发达省区关于房地产业的调整政策,而应从欠发达地区自身的实际出发,在认识到房地产业事关民生的产业特殊性的基础上,从房地产业对经济增长、拉动就业及对相关产业的带动效应等方面出发,深入分析和论证房地产业对拉动区域经济增长的重要作用,客观确定其区域经济重要经济增长点的产业地位。同时,由于房地产业除具备一般产业的特征外,还涉及广大居民的民生问题,同一般的产业相比具有特殊性。因此,欠发达地区把房地产业作为区域经济重要增长点时,必须关注和妥善解决以下几个问题:关注和防范房地产价格上涨过快产生的负面影响;先行解决房地产业快速发展可能面临的一些问题;把发挥房地产业对经济增长的带动作用与民生改善问题并重考虑;正确处理房地产业与其他优势产业之间的关系。 The development of the real estate industry is closely related to the level of regional economic development. The reasonable determination of its industrial status must be based on the developed degree of regional economy. Less developed regions should not blindly follow the adjustment policies of the state and some developed provinces and autonomous regions on the real estate industry. From the actual conditions of the underdeveloped regions, on the basis of recognizing the particularity of the industry that is related to people’s livelihood in the real estate industry, from the real estate industry to the economy Growth, stimulating employment and the driving effect of related industries. In-depth analysis and demonstration of the real estate industry to stimulate regional economic growth plays an important role in objectively determining the important economic growth of its regional economy status of the industry. At the same time, in addition to having the characteristics of the general industry, the real estate industry also involves the livelihood issues of the vast majority of residents, which is peculiar to the general industry. Therefore, when undeveloped areas regard the real estate industry as an important growth point of the regional economy, they must pay attention to and properly handle the following problems: paying attention to and guarding against the negative impact caused by excessive real estate prices; and resolving some problems that the real estate industry may face in the first instance ; Give full play to the role of real estate in promoting economic growth and improving people’s livelihood; and correctly handle the relationship between real estate and other advantageous industries.