Citrobacter is a Gram-negative aerobic bacterium that normally resides in the gut of soil, water and humans and animals. In recent years, the pathogenic significance of the lemon genus has been known, and the genus includes C. freundii and C. diversus, causing intra-abdominal, urinary and pulmonary infections. The authors previous observations that lemon genus rarely originated in the colon, in order to verify this idea, this article reviews the Massachusetts General Hospital in September 1974 ~ February 1975 and October 1980 ~ March 1981 lemon bacteria Intra-abdominal infection and bacteremia clinical data. In addition, 13 antibiotics were also tested for sensitivity to determine the most appropriate antibiotic therapy. Diagnostic criteria, where blood culture positive persons who belong to the bacteremia, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, weight loss, abdominal pain, fever, rebound tenderness and one of the following circumstances, the intra-abdominal infection: ① bile or abdominal culture test Lemongrass; ②