党的75岁生日快来到了,我又一次想起全心全意为人民服务——党的宗旨最初印入我脑际的情景,使我又一次沉浸在幸福的回忆里。 1949年春天,我在安徽学院(解放后改为安徽师范大学)读书,家乡皖南的地下党组织和来自江北老解放区的一些师生,已经在学校里秘密开展了活动,革命形势发展很快。4月21日,解放大军胜利渡过长江,学校里每天都出现新气象,而最明显的是在校门进口处新矗立起一块碑,上面端正地写着“为人民服务”五个金光闪闪的大字。每一个进出校门的人,都得在它的面前走过。这简明至极的五字碑文标志着学校性质的转变,一下子不同
The 75th birthday of the party is coming. I once again remembered serving the people wholeheartedly. The party’s purpose was first imprinted into my mind, leaving me immersed in a happy memory once again. In the spring of 1949, I was studying in Anhui University (after the liberation, it was changed to Anhui Normal University). The underground party organizations in my hometown of Wannan and some teachers and students from the old liberated areas in Jiangbei Province have secretly started activities in schools. The revolutionary situation has developed rapidly. On April 21, the Liberation Army triumphed over the Yangtze River. Every day in the school, a new atmosphere appeared. The most obvious thing was that a monument was erected at the gate of the school gate, with the words “serving the people” five golden lights above Big characters. Every one who goes in and out of school must walk in front of it. This concise five-character inscription marks a shift in the nature of the school, all at once