
来源 :中国乡村医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cynosure
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随着农村经济的发展和农民生活水平的提高,如何引导农民依靠合作互助的力量抵御大病重病的风险,是摆在我们面前的重大课题。通过调查讨论使广大干部和群众真正认识到推广和发展农村合作医疗制度才是农民保健康奔小康的必由之路,发展和完善合作医疗保健制度势在必行。 With the development of the rural economy and the improvement of the living standards of peasants, how to guide peasants to rely on the strength of cooperation and mutual assistance to resist the risk of serious disease is a major issue before us. Through investigation and discussion, the majority of cadres and the masses have truly realized that the promotion and development of the rural cooperative medical system is the only way for farmers to ensure a healthy and healthy life. It is imperative to develop and improve a cooperative medical care system.
Nobody likes to think they are “that guy” at work. Bad behavior at work is common-and often we do it without thinking. So, what are some of the rudest things that people do at work-and why shouldn’t y
初级卫生保健(PHC)又称基层卫生保健。是指基层卫生机构如城市街道卫生院、农村卫生院、卫生 Primary health care (PHC) is also called primary health care. Refers to
本文作者从 Kubicek模型三维有限元仿真的角度对用于每搏输出量 (SV)测定的 Kubicek恒流式环形四电极法的电极配置结构进行了三维有限元的仿真研究。 Kubicek三维有限元模型
Aim: To evaluate the effects of the flavonoids extracted from the Semen Cuscutae (FSC) on the reproductive and en-docrine functions in male rats. Methods: (1)
红景天为红景天科植物的茎 ,具抗缺血、抗缺氧、抗疲劳、提高运动能力等功效[1] 。主含红景天苷及鞣质。红景天苷为红景天的活性成分 ,而鞣质的存在影响红景天溶液的澄明度和
目的 :研究牛蛙球囊毛细胞膜上钾通道的类型。方法 :全细胞膜片钳技术。结果 :1当钳制电位为 - 1 0 0 m V,以 1 0 m V的步距阶跃 ,阶跃从 - 70 m V至 + 2 0 m V,随着膜电位的
34一郁细卜‘E号中速(,1,}2一}8-一}其}“4全1记得在2如今在竺翼响一6查二}3·:其!二二’二卜一个这个 件 5听到茫夜曲声树林悠扬,不笼罩,风知是谁在雪在窗下舞把圆幕我苍祝