
来源 :中国人民大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zgl_0251
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中国大学学报已有百年历程 ,《中国人民大学学报》出刊百期 ,只有十七个年头 ,应该说还年轻。但不能以年头论英雄 ,而要看其生命力及发展势头。人大学报依托人民大学而成长 ,广纳博采世界人文社会科学优秀成果 ,深入开掘中国传统文化精华宝藏 ,为推出有中国特色的理论创新成果殚精竭虑 ,做出了应有的贡献。大学是以其“大师”为标志的。我们呼唤新时代学术大师的涌现 ,学报正可为大师们的成长提供一个台阶。我们既看重已得到社会承认的大师 ,也看好学术上崭露头角的新人 ,冀望今天的新人 ,成为明天的大师。我们的职责是 :弘扬科学精神与人文精神 ,为把中国人民大学建设成为以人文社会科学为主的世界知名的一流大学竭尽全力 ,为繁荣和发展中国人文社会科学摇旗呐喊 !《中国人民大学学报》1987年 1月创刊 ,本期为第 10 0期。这里 ,由前后四任总编或主编 ,以笔谈的形式对《中国人民大学学报》做一番回顾与展望 ,不仅仅是对学报百期的纪念 ,也是对如何办好大学人文社会科学学报的探讨。 China University Journal has a history of one hundred years, “Journal of Renmin University of China,” published a hundred, only seventeen years, should be said to be young. However, we should not rely on years of heroes, but on their vitality and development momentum. Renmin University of China relies on the People’s University and grows to absorb the outstanding achievements of the humanities and social sciences in the world and dig deep into the essence of traditional Chinese culture. It has made due contributions to the introduction of theoretical innovations with Chinese characteristics. Universities are marked by their “masters.” We call for the emergence of a new era of academic masters, journals can provide a platform for the growth of masters. We value not only the masters who have been recognized by the society, but also promising academically newcomers, hoping that today’s newcomer will become a master tomorrow. Our duty is to: Carry forward the spirit of science and humanistic spirit and do our utmost to build Renmin University of China into a world-class, top-class university focusing mainly on humanities and social sciences and a symbol for the prosperity and development of China’s humanities and social sciences. “Journal of Renmin University of China” January 1987 start publication, the current issue of the first 10 0 period. Here, by the editor-in-chief or editor-in-chief of all four posts, we can make a retrospect and prospect of “Journal of Renmin University of China” in the form of written discussion, not only to commemorate the 100th issue of Journal, but also to how to run the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Discussion.
中国大学学报已有百年历程 ,《中国人民大学学报》出刊百期 ,只有十七个年头 ,应该说还年轻。但不能以年头论英雄 ,而要看其生命力及发展势头。人大学报依托人民大学而成长 ,