综述了用数理统计分析方法建立混凝土坝位移混合监控模型的基本原理 ,并对模型中的温度因子和时效因子进行扩充。结合东北地区某宽缝重力坝原型观测资料 ,详细介绍了建立混合监控模型的基本过程。计算结果表明 ,混合监控模型的拟合精度较高 ,可以满足工程要求。
In this paper, the basic principle of using mathematical statistic analysis method to build mixed monitoring model of displacement of concrete dams is summarized, and the temperature factor and aging factor in the model are extended. Based on the observation data of a wide-gap gravity dam in Northeast China, the basic process of establishing a hybrid monitoring model is introduced in detail. The calculation results show that the hybrid monitoring model has higher fitting accuracy and can meet the engineering requirements.