患者,女,21岁。因“自检发现右上腹包块1年”入院。患者自诉1年前无意中触及右上腹包块,无特殊不适,未予重视,2009年6月生产后于当地医院行B超检查提示右。肾占位性病变,遂来我院就诊。入院CT检查:右肾内可见软组织肿块影,大小约5.4 cm×8.5 cm,右肾实质明显受压,肿块边界尚清,增强可见明显强化,中心可见片状未强化区。胸片未见明显异常,血红蛋白(Hb)111g/L,血乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)252U/L,血钙2.30
Patient, female, 21 years old. Because “self-test found the right upper quadrant mass 1 year ” admission. Patient self-prosecution a year ago inadvertently touched the right upper quadrant mass, no special discomfort, no attention, in June 2009 after the production line in the local hospital B-ultrasound prompt right. Kidney space-occupying lesions, then came to our hospital. Admission CT examination: soft tissue mass visible in the right kidney, the size of about 5.4 cm × 8.5 cm, the right renal parenchyma was significantly pressure, the tumor boundary is clear, enhanced visible enhancement, the center can be seen flaky region. No abnormal chest X-ray, hemoglobin (Hb) 111g / L, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) 252U / L, calcium 2.30