本文论述了型材三向残余应力的测试方法。假定残余应力沿型材纵向(即z轴方向)是常量,这个残余应力σ_z是三个主残余应力之一,且在横截面上无剪应力。因此,测量型材三向残余应力采用三个步骤: 1 用全释放的切割法,沿型材纵向分单元切割,在忽略横向残余应力泊松效应的状态下测量纵向释放应变。 2 沿横向切取试件,应用盲孔法在忽略纵向残余应力泊松效应的状态下测量横向残余应力。 3 采用三维有限元迭代方法,对纵向和横向残余应力泊松效应的相互影响对测量数据进行修正。从而测量出三向残余应力σ_x、σ_y和σ_z。
This article discusses the three-dimensional residual stress testing methods. Assuming that the residual stress is constant in the longitudinal direction of the section (ie the z-axis), this residual stress σ_z is one of the three main residual stresses and there is no shear stress in the cross-section. Therefore, the three-dimensional residual stress measurement of the profile is carried out in three steps: 1. With the fully-released cutting method, cut longitudinally along the section and measure the longitudinal strain while ignoring the Poisson effect of the transverse residual stress. 2 Cut the specimen in the transverse direction and measure the residual stress in the horizontal direction by using the blind hole method while ignoring the Poisson effect of the longitudinal residual stress. 3 Using the three-dimensional finite element iteration method, the measurement data are corrected for the mutual influence of Poisson effect of longitudinal and transverse residual stress. Three-dimensional residual stresses σ_x, σ_y and σ_z were thus measured.