来到河南振华玻璃厂,人们总为她的气势所震撼:巍然矗立的楼群,宽敞整洁的厂区,鲜花盛开、绿树成荫的环境;庞大的车间,炉火熊熊,熔化出的玻璃在自动传送带上滚滚而来。 追溯历史,振华玻璃厂在建材生产上已有40多年的历程,厂区的角落依稀还能窥视到往昔砖瓦窑的痕迹:那是沧海桑田、历史巨变的印证。现任玻璃厂厂长、全国劳动模范贾沛林十年前踏进这个小砖瓦厂时,面对的是这样一幅情景:破烂不堪的厂区、坑坑洼洼的泥巴路,工资发不了、吃饭没保障,就业、住房成问题。贾
At the Henan Zhenhua glass factory, people were always shocked by her momentum: towering buildings, spacious and clean factory areas, blooming flowers and tree-lined environments; huge workshops, blazing fires, melting glass Rolled on an automatic conveyor. Historically, Zhenhua Glass Factory has been building materials for more than 40 years. The corners of the factory site can peep into the traces of past brick kiln: it is a proof of the tremendous changes in the history of the sea. When the current director of the glass factory and national model worker Jia Peilin stepped into this small brick and tile factory ten years ago, he faced such a scenario: a dilapidated factory area, a muddy mud road, no wages, no food security, employment , housing is a problem. Jia