高校扩大招生是利国利民的大事 ,它既提高了我国接受高等教育人口的比例 ,又刺激了人民群众的教育投入与消费 ,这不仅使我国国民整体素质得以提高 ,而且也是对我国经济发展的巨大贡献。就今年我国高校扩大招生 ,在校学生规模迅速扩大的现实情况 ,以及今后高校继续扩大招生的趋
Enlarging enrollment in colleges and universities is a major event that benefits the country and the people. It not only raises the proportion of China’s population receiving higher education, but also stimulates the people’s education and consumption. This not only improves the overall quality of our nationals but also promotes the economic development of our country The great contribution. On this year’s enrollment of colleges and universities in our country, the rapid expansion of school students in reality, as well as the future colleges and universities continue to expand the enrollment of the trend