还记得我们上期的“星光灿烂,网游代言”吗?那些养眼的几大当红美女代言人,甚得读者喜爱。不过,不少MM都抱怨,为什么都是女生代言啊?难道没有帅哥吗?帅哥! 帅哥!我们要看帅哥!……(好吵啊!受不了你们,ok ok ok, 大家安~~~静~~~!)小编为了满足这些小MM们的心愿,本期特别收录当前人气最旺的几位超级网游帅哥代言人。小MM们该Happy了吧!
No.1 周杰伦:音乐才子 《乱舞三国》
“Crazy Dance Three World”, don’tyou know about it? Never mind, “Chaotic Dance Spring Autumn”, you must know. What? Still don’t know? …… Then in so many words, it is Jay Chou! Super handsome and cool man Jay Chou is the prolocutor of the game “Crazy Dance Three World”for sure. He also wrote and sang the theme song“Chaotic Dance Spring Autumn” for this game in person. This song is collected in his album “ Seven Miles Fragrant”.
No.2 周星驰:星爷 《大话西游》再续前缘
When meet a classical film and a veteran actor, it is hard to say whether the film made the man or the man made the film. Stephen Chow married the film “A Chinese Odyssey”.His classical lines of the film have been tricked into many types. People still remember Stephen Chow’s words from the bottom of his heart. So when the game “A Chinese Odyssey OL” was born, it is fate that Stephen Chow waschosen asthe prolocutor.
No.3 言承旭:第一次前往《神之领域》
Korean famous online game “God’s Area” was attracted by the super popularity (声望) of “Baolong” Jerry. They invited him as their “Game Popularize Ambassador”. The manufacturer (厂商)made a game“fighter” character according to his image and personality. “Baolong” in the shape of a “fighter” would fight side by side with his fans in the fantasy game world.
Lam began to gain momentum for a game. It’s “Heaven II”this time.Stars begin to realize that entering the cyber game is really a good way to attract young’s eyes nowadays.Could Lam“freeze” the players by“Heaven II” this time?
Anniversary of “Swallow World Online” invited two singer prolocutors Pan Wilber and Angela Chang to celebrate.“China. com” also awarded them the“GameStar annual(年度的)best prolocutor”to praise their hard work for “Swallow World Online” during this year.
Famous all over the country for his “Paradise Fish”,Irons is the storied first sight handsome boy absolutely. Model-like stature.handsome face and gentle behavoir win him scream and cheers from girl fans. It is such enormouspopularity made him the best prolocutor for “Love Box Online”. Born handsome boy certainly fits for love!
X档案 解密新鲜cool words
theme song:主题曲
A Chinese Odyssey:大话西游的英译名。“Odyssey”, “奥德赛”是特洛伊战争中智勇双全的名将。
hard to say :很难说
如:Hard to say I’m Sorry
Marry的宾语也可以不直接是人:She married a fortune.也表示“她嫁了个有钱人”。
Marry还有比喻用法,如:He married translation.意为“他终身致力于翻译”或可译成“他与翻译结下了不解之缘。”
words from the bottom of his heart:肺腑之言
in the shape of:化身为……,是……的化身
No.1 周杰伦:音乐才子 《乱舞三国》
“Crazy Dance Three World”, don’tyou know about it? Never mind, “Chaotic Dance Spring Autumn”, you must know. What? Still don’t know? …… Then in so many words, it is Jay Chou! Super handsome and cool man Jay Chou is the prolocutor of the game “Crazy Dance Three World”for sure. He also wrote and sang the theme song“Chaotic Dance Spring Autumn” for this game in person. This song is collected in his album “ Seven Miles Fragrant”.
No.2 周星驰:星爷 《大话西游》再续前缘
When meet a classical film and a veteran actor, it is hard to say whether the film made the man or the man made the film. Stephen Chow married the film “A Chinese Odyssey”.His classical lines of the film have been tricked into many types. People still remember Stephen Chow’s words from the bottom of his heart. So when the game “A Chinese Odyssey OL” was born, it is fate that Stephen Chow waschosen asthe prolocutor.
No.3 言承旭:第一次前往《神之领域》
Korean famous online game “God’s Area” was attracted by the super popularity (声望) of “Baolong” Jerry. They invited him as their “Game Popularize Ambassador”. The manufacturer (厂商)made a game“fighter” character according to his image and personality. “Baolong” in the shape of a “fighter” would fight side by side with his fans in the fantasy game world.
Lam began to gain momentum for a game. It’s “Heaven II”this time.Stars begin to realize that entering the cyber game is really a good way to attract young’s eyes nowadays.Could Lam“freeze” the players by“Heaven II” this time?
Anniversary of “Swallow World Online” invited two singer prolocutors Pan Wilber and Angela Chang to celebrate.“China. com” also awarded them the“GameStar annual(年度的)best prolocutor”to praise their hard work for “Swallow World Online” during this year.
Famous all over the country for his “Paradise Fish”,Irons is the storied first sight handsome boy absolutely. Model-like stature.handsome face and gentle behavoir win him scream and cheers from girl fans. It is such enormouspopularity made him the best prolocutor for “Love Box Online”. Born handsome boy certainly fits for love!
X档案 解密新鲜cool words
theme song:主题曲
A Chinese Odyssey:大话西游的英译名。“Odyssey”, “奥德赛”是特洛伊战争中智勇双全的名将。
hard to say :很难说
如:Hard to say I’m Sorry
Marry的宾语也可以不直接是人:She married a fortune.也表示“她嫁了个有钱人”。
Marry还有比喻用法,如:He married translation.意为“他终身致力于翻译”或可译成“他与翻译结下了不解之缘。”
words from the bottom of his heart:肺腑之言
in the shape of:化身为……,是……的化身