香港《南华早报》1980年10月28日报道:美国约翰·霍普金斯医院的一位癌瘤专家宣布他研制出从根本上治疗某些癌瘤的一种新方法,即用病人现有癌瘤的抗体携带放射性同位素的方法。据霍普金斯医院放射肿瘤科主任奥德(Stanley Order)说,在8例肝癌病人中,7例肿瘤惊人地缩小,一例病人的癌瘤原占肝的70%,缩小为占肝的18%,另一例癌瘤原占肝的50%,缩小为5%。
The Hong Kong South China Morning Post reported on October 28th, 1980 that an expert in cancerous tumors at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in the United States announced that he has developed a new method for the radical treatment of certain cancers by using the patient’s existing methods. A method of carrying a radioisotope for an antibody to cancer. According to Stanley Order, director of the Department of Radiation Oncology at Hopkins Hospital, of the 8 patients with liver cancer, 7 were surprisingly shrinking. One patient’s cancer accounted for 70% of the liver and shrank to 18% of the liver. %, another case of cancer accounted for 50% of the liver, reduced to 5%.