多潘立酮(吗丁啉)是一种拮抗多巴胺受体的胃动力药,目前在临床上已广泛应用,而其引起的不良反应亦渐被人们所认识.现将我院自1990年以来所遇到的18例应用多潘立酮而引起的高催乳素血症、锥体外系症及眩晕症报道如下.1 临床资料1.l 高催乳素血症15例全部为女性.年龄21~49岁,除1例未婚外,其余均为非哺乳期已婚妇女.表现为溢乳10例,月经稀少(停经3个月以内)2例,溢乳-月经稀少2例,闭经1例.15例均因“胃病”而服多潘立酮,剂量30~40mg/d;多数在用药1个月左右出现溢乳、月经失调症状.停药1周左右症状消失,倘再次服药可出现上述用同症状.其中1例服药3个月后发生停经,但未引起注意(继续
Domperidone (domperidone) is a gastric motility drug that antagonizes dopamine receptors and is widely used clinically nowadays, and the adverse reactions it causes have gradually been recognized. Now we have encountered in our hospital since 1990 Of 18 cases of domperidone caused by hyperprolactinemia, extrapyramidal symptoms and vertigo are reported as follows.1 Clinical data1.1 hyperprolactinemia in all 15 women aged 21 to 49 years old, except for 1 case Unmarried, the rest were non-lactating married women.The performance of galactorrhea in 10 cases, menorrhagia (menopause within 3 months) in 2 cases, galactorrhea - 2 cases of menstruation, amenorrhea in 1. 15 cases were due to “stomach” and Domperidone dose of 30 ~ 40mg / d; most in 1 month medication appears galactorrhea, symptoms of menstrual disorders.About 1 week withdrawal symptoms disappeared, if the medication can occur with the above symptoms .Among them after taking 3 months Menopause occurred, but did not pay attention (continue