To achieve the goal of 85% immunization coverage by county, the further implementation of the planned immunity system has become an organizational form for implementing EPI in China and is a good way to consolidate the planned immunization results. . According to my county three years to carry out the work of immunization program plan, try some of the problems and countermeasures to conduct some preliminary discussions. First, to determine a reasonable period of compensation and age group The duration of the compensation should be determined by reference to the state immunization program is appropriate. The procedure stipulates that the basic immunization be completed within 12 months of age until the age of seven years to strengthen the immunization. Of which 3,5,6 three age groups without vaccination, is a neutral age group. At present, there are two different types of reimbursement for different years. First, one year for one-year insurance and only one year for compensation. The term of the compensation is one year. Second, a Paul 7 years, once