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媒休在3·15前后有关汽车产品、服务质量成规模报道后,消费者维权的“惯性”还未消失,只是速度在慢。2013年第二季度,中国汽车质量网共收到5885宗有效投诉,涉及103个汽车品牌,335个车型。其中,4月有1998宗,5月为2253宗,6月为1634宗。好消息是,虽然比第一季度的投诉量略多,但有关服务的投诉占比有所减少,从品牌系别来说,法系的整体表现与一季度相比不进反退关键词:微增剧增2013年第二季度的有效投诉5885宗,与上一季度相比,仅有4.5%的增幅,虽然这个数据并不能说明市场上的车在产品品质和服务上的明显提升,但如果这一统计数据能够一直保持递减趋势,不论是对汽车企业还是对消费者来说,都是件好事。在车主所反映的共性问题中,新增问题投诉有所减少,主要还是空调制冷效果差、变速箱动力中断、切水条间隙大、车身生锈等问题。值得注意 After the media reported on the scale of auto products and service quality around 3.15, the “inertia” of consumer rights protection has not disappeared, only at a slow pace. In the second quarter of 2013, China Automotive Quality Network received 5,885 valid complaints involving 103 car brands and 335 models. Of these, there were 1,998 in April, 2,253 in May and 1,634 in June. The good news is that although the number of complaints is slightly more than that in the first quarter, the proportion of complaints about services has decreased. In terms of brand relations, the overall performance of the law system does not go backwards compared with the first quarter. Keywords: Micro-increase In the second quarter of 2013, there were 5,885 effective complaints, a mere 4.5% increase from the previous quarter. Although this figure does not indicate a significant improvement in product quality and service on the market, If this statistic can keep declining all the time, it is a good thing for both car makers and consumers alike. In the common problems reflected by the owners, the number of new complaints has decreased, mainly due to poor air conditioning and cooling, transmission power interruption, cutting water gap, body rust and other issues. Worth noting