熟悉成龙青的人都知道,他是个很爱“折腾”的人,敢想敢冲、胆子大。的确,还不到23岁的他已经在电子商务、计算机软硬件销售租赁及维修、商务用品销售及租赁、汽车租赁等行业尝试过创业。饱尝艰辛之后,他最终在C4C(customer for customer)这块电子商务领域站稳了脚跟。
People who are familiar with Jackie Chan know that he is a person who loves “Tossing” and dare to think bold and courageous. Indeed, less than 23 years old, he has tried entrepreneurship in e-commerce, computer hardware and software sales leasing and maintenance, sales and leasing of business items, car rental and other industries. After suffering a hard time, he eventually settled on C4C (customer for customer) e-commerce.