More than a decade ago, a bronze dovecot was bought at the antiques market and upsetted at the end of the stool. Staff head for a dove bird, dove legs bending crouched in a tubular section, seems to rest. Beak to the tail length of 8 cm, the first to the bottom of 銎 7 cm high, hollow section, diameter 2.3 cm. Upset 7.5 cm, the bottom of the outer diameter of 2.7 cm seal, the upper end of the hollow diameter of 2.9 cm, upset there is a section of the staff, you can obviously stick out of the outer edge of the stone wrapped hemp fiber lacquer. The marks on the outside of the wand are similar to the marks inside the dovetail and upset, confirming that they were originally set. This is obviously the history book said Dove stick.