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  When I was a child in the 1950s, my friends
  and I had two educations. We had school, and we also had what I call a hunter-gatherer education. We played in mixed-age neighbourhood groups almost every day after school, often until dark. We played all weekend and all summer long. We had time to explore in all sorts of ways, and also time to become bored and figure out how to overcome 1)boredom, time to get into trouble and find our way out of it, time to daydream, time to immerse ourselves in hobbies, and time to read comics and whatever else we wanted to read rather than the books assigned to us. What I learnt in my hunter-gatherer education has been far more valuable to my adult life than what I learnt in school.
  For more than 50 years now, we in the United States have been gradually reducing children’s opportunities to play, and the same is true in many other countries. In his book Children at Play: An American History (2007), Howard Chudacoff refers to the first half of the 20th century as the “golden age” of children’s free play. By about 1900, the need for child labour had declined, so children had a good deal of free time. But then, beginning around 1960 or a little before, adults began 2)chipping away at that freedom by increasing the time that children had to spend on schoolwork and, even more significantly, by reducing children’s freedom to play on their own, even when they were out of school and not doing homework.
  Over the same decades that children’s play has been declining, childhood mental disorders have been increasing. Analyses reveal a continuous, essentially 3)linear, increase in anxiety and depression in young people over the decades, such that the rates of what today would be diagnosed as 4)generalised anxiety disorder and major depression are five to eight times what they were in the 1950s. Over the same period, the suicide rate for young people aged 15 to 24 has more than doubled, and that for children under age 15 has 5)quadrupled.
  In an article entitled “The Test Chinese Schools Still Fail” in The Wall Street Journal in December 2010, Jiang Xueqin, a prominent Chinese educator, wrote:“The failings of a 6)rote-memorisation system are well known: lack of social and practical skills, absence of self-discipline and imagination, loss of curiosity and passion for learning.” Meanwhile, Yong Zhao, an American education professor who grew up in China and specialises in comparing the Chinese educational system with the system in the U.S., notes that a common term used in China to refer to graduates is gaofen dineng, meaning “high scores but low ability”. Because students spend nearly all their time studying, they have little opportunity to be creative, take initiative, or develop physical and social skills: in short, they have little opportunity to play.   Unfortunately, as we move increasingly toward standardised curricula, and as we occupy ever more of our children’s time with schoolwork, our educational results are indeed becoming more like those of the Asian countries. One line of evidence comes from the results of a battery of measures of creativity—called the 7)Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT)—collected from normative samples of U.S. schoolchildren ranging from kindergarten through to 12th grade covering several decades. Kyung-Hee Kim, an educational psychologist at the College of William and Mary in Virginia, has analysed these scores and reported that they began to decline in 1984 or shortly after, and have continued to decline ever since.
  You can’t teach creativity; all you can do is let it blossom. Little children, before they start school, are naturally creative. Our greatest innovators, the ones we call geniuses, are those who somehow retain that childhood capacity, and build on it, right through adulthood. Albert Einstein, who apparently hated school, referred to his achievements in 8)theoretical physics and mathematics as “9)combinatorial play”. A great deal of research has shown that people are most creative when infused by the spirit of play, when they see themselves as engaged in a task just for fun. It’s hard to be creative when you are worried about other people’s judgments. In school, children’s activities are constantly being judged.
  To have a happy marriage, or good friends, or helpful work partners, we need to know how to get along with other people: perhaps the most essential skill all children must learn for a satisfying life. Social play is the academy for learning social skills.
  The reason why play is such a powerful way to impart social skills is that it is voluntary. Players are always free to quit, and if they are unhappy they will quit. Every player knows that, and so the goal, for every player who wants to keep the game going, is to satisfy his or her own needs and desires while also satisfying those of the other players, so they don’t quit. To have fun in social play you have to be 10)assertive but not domineering; that’s true for all of social life.
  In school, and in other settings where adults are in charge, they make decisions for children and solve children’s problems. In play, children make their own decisions and solve their own problems. In adult-directed settings, children are weak and vulnerable. In play, they are strong and powerful. The play world is the child’s practice world for being an adult. We think of play as childish, but to the child, play is the experience of being like an adult: being self-controlled and responsible.   In recent decades we as a society have been conducting a play-11)deprivation experiment with our children. Play deprivation is bad for children. Among other things, it promotes anxiety, depression, suicide, 12)narcissism, and the loss of creativity. It’s time to end the experiment.


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