格拉斯在《铁皮鼓》中利用怪诞的情节来表现具有典型现实意义的主题、作品严肃的叙述立场与轻松的叙述语调之间构成叙述张力、作者对待历史的态度带有强烈的自省意识 ,作品的叙述方式也为 2 1世纪的小说写作提供了一种新的可能态
Grasse used the grotesque plot to express the theme of typical realistic significance in the “tin drum”. The narrative tension between the serious narrative position of the work and the relaxed narration tone was formed. The attitude of the author to history was strongly introspective. His works The way of narration also provides a new possibility for writing in the 21st century