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长征是举世无双的.胜利的长征震撼了中国大地,也震惊了世界.以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人和红军战士用生命和鲜血谱写了这首壮丽的革命诗篇,表现了他们无比坚强的意志、勇气和力量.长征是中国共产党和中国人民最引以为自豪的光荣.值此纪念长征胜利60周年之际,以最诚挚的崇敬之情缅怀伟大领袖毛泽东在长征中的杰出功绩.一、随军转移,团结、教育和争取犯错误同志的转变长征是被迫的.第五次反“围剿”战争的失败,迫使红军不得不退出根据地实行战略大转移.“大搬家”带走了许多笨重的器材和物资,但毛泽东等人却被要求留下,不得随军行动.遭到“左”倾错误排挤打击,且又患病在身的毛泽东,并未把个人安危放在心上,他全力关注战场态势的巨变,为转移中的红军的前途和命运担忧.毛泽东离不开红军,红军更离不开毛泽东.他向中央提出了随军转移的请求,得到周恩来等的支持,终于同红军部队一起登上了漫漫的艰苦征程.毛泽东深知,纠正退却中的逃跑主义错误的关键,是要改变“左”倾冒险主义的错误领导.所以,他首先从做那些犯过错误,并在现实教育中已开始醒悟的同志的转变工作.当得知张闻天对中央最高“三人团”将张闻天、毛泽东、王稼祥等政治局委员分散到各军团去有意见时,即刻向中央提议,转移时将他们安排在一起,“ The long march of the long march shook the earth in China and shocked the world, and the Chinese Communists and the Red Army soldiers, represented by Mao Zedong, wrote this magnificent revolutionary poem with life and blood, demonstrating their extremely strong will , Courage and strength.The Long March is the most proud of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese people.With this commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Long March, we cherish with great sincerity the memory of the outstanding achievements of the great leader Mao Zedong in the Long March. First, The long march was forced by the shift of the army, solidarity, education and striving to make mistakes. The failure of the fifth war on “encirclement and suppression” campaign forced the Red Army to withdraw its strategic transfer from the base area. “The big move” took many bulky But Mao Tse-tung and others were required to leave their posts and not engage in military operations. Mao Tse-tung, who was expelled by “leftist” mistakes and did not feel personal safety, did his utmost to pay attention The tremendous changes in the battlefield situation worried about the future and destiny of the Red Army in the transfer .Tao Zedong can not do without the Red Army and the Red Army can not be separated from Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong knew that the key to correcting the error of escapeism in retreat was to change the wrong leadership of the “Left” adventurist doctrine, and so Mao Zedong realized that with the support of Zhou Enlai and others, it finally embarked on a long and arduous journey with the Red Army. , He first made the transition from working as a comrade who had made mistakes and had begun to awake in real education. When he learned that Zhang Wentian had dispersed the members of the Politburo such as Zhang Wentian, Mao Zedong, Wang Jiaxiang and other political commissars to the highest “three-person” When you have your opinion, you immediately propose to the Central Government to arrange them together when you transfer them. "
Chapter 1. Shenton mountain Battle making Great Prestige to the 129th DivisionChapter 2. A fierce fight in the Xiangtang town stricking the observating KMT Gen
一、牌楼重建“团城”岿然 北京故宫对面的“团城”遗迹,是现在仍然保留在北海附近的一座地面建筑。这个遗迹的保留,是在周总理的具体指示下作出的。团城传为大都建立时同时
【正】 长期以来,汪海洋的研究,并未受到太平天国史专家们的应有的重视,有的评价尚欠公允。笔者依据新材料,试作进一步的探讨,并提出一些异议,以就教于方家。第一,在《全椒县