Bahrain, Pearl in the Gulf

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  The Kingdom of Bahrain is located in the center of the Gulf region,west Asia,with a area of 770 square kilometers and a population of 1.19 million, 51% of which consist of foreign employees. As a gateway into local market, it enjoys a mature and sophisticated financial system, rich oil resources, and advantageous geographic location. In comparison with Dubai, which is only one hour flight away, Bahrain does not possess rich fame. However, it has begun to make effort to attract global attention by presenting low-cost business operation environment and premium investment policies.
  Recently, Overseas Exhibitions magazine had an interview with Yun Jiang, China country representative of Beijing office of Bahrain Economic Development Board (“EDB Beijing”hereafter). EDB Beijing was set up in 2013, with the mission to assist the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain to promote Bahrain to Chinese investors and businesses, and to play a coordination role for the successful running of sino-Bahrain business programs.
  As a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, Bahrain is a perfect gateway to the local market of 1,500 trillion dollars. The country targets itself as an emerging exhibition destination.
  In recent years, Bahrain has hosted several world-class exhibitions and events, including Bahrain F1 Grand Prix, Bahrain Air Show. It has also attracted exhibition organizers from other countries like the UK and Singapore. In 2013, there were 95 exhibitions in the country, receiving 3,671 exhibitors, rising 16% than the previous year. Bahrain now has an exhibition center of 16,000 square meters with state-of-the-art facilities, which will be expanded according to the exhibition market capacity. An exhibition city called Expo@bahrain is also under construction.Once completed, it will generate a direct annual economic income of 300 million dollars with an area of 145,000 square meters.
  In January 2014, the 3rd Bahrain Air Show attracted about 100 exhibitors from 35 countries and concluded with a turnover of 3 billion dollars, a fourfold of 2013. It was the first time that Chinese companies participated in the Show, but Chinese exhibitors have been exhibiting in exhibitions in traditional sectors like the Bahrain International Garden Show, while Bahrain companies prefer governmental exhibitions like the China Import and Export Fiar for purchasing purposes.
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《出展世界》:截至2014年1月,中国国际贸易促进委员会广东省委员会(以下简称“广东贸促会”)的工作一直走在全国贸促系统前列,目前已设立境外经贸代表处已达5个。请问境外经贸代表处如何实现对广东贸促会职责的有力延伸?  陈秋彦:2013年11月5日,广东贸促会设立的第一家境外经贸代表处——广东贸促会驻美国经贸代表处在洛杉矶正式挂牌。目前,我们已经在美国洛杉矶、新加坡、阿联酋迪拜、荷兰海牙、德国慕尼黑
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背景:  提到中东,阿联酋迪拜是声名卓著的奢华之都与航空枢纽。鲜有人知的是,在离迪拜一小时航程的距离外,有一个被誉为“海湾明珠”的国家——巴林王国。巴林王国是中东最早开采石油的国家,也是全球伊斯兰金融的规范制定者。然而,对于世界很多国家,包括中国,巴林还是一个不太熟悉的名字。近年来,这个国土面积只有770平方公里,人口仅为119万的国家,正逐渐走出依赖油气产业的单一定位,以国际化的视野和海纳百川的