
来源 :河北林业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XUCHUNLIAN
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近几年发展的乔砧密植苹果、梨园,由于放任生长或不合理的修剪方式,以及肥水不当等原因,致使株间、行间过早郁闭,内堂枝条交叉重叠,影响光照,造成适龄树不结果,严重影响经济效益的发挥,应从冬剪和生长季节管理两个方面加以改造。一、大树移栽或间伐按传统的基部三主枝主干疏层形整理的果树,树体结构合理,树形整齐,只是株间行间郁闭,光照不良,可采用隔一去一或行间变株间的方法移栽。大树移栽时要带上坨,栽后灌足水并重剪。若无空地,间伐即可。 In recent years, the development of Joe anvil close planting apple, pear orchard, due to laissez-faire or unreasonable pruning methods, as well as improper fertilizer and other reasons, resulting in premature closures between plants, rows cross branches overlap, affecting the light, resulting in age Trees do not result in serious impact on the economic benefits of play, should be winter cut and growing season management to be modified from two aspects. First, the large tree transplanting or thinning According to the traditional three main branches of the main trunk sparsely layered fruit trees, the tree structure is reasonable, the tree neat, but the lines between plants canopy, poor lighting, you can use every other one or Interplanting between the methods of transplanting. When the tree transplants to bring lumps, planted enough water and cut. If no space, thinning can be.
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“玩”彩票是一种 利国利民的游戏 如今,彩票已经完全抛开了以往神秘的面纱,大大方方地走进了寻常百姓家。彩票之所以能够普及得这么快,与国家的提倡和支持是分不开的。生活