充分认清面临的形势任务 努力把新闻宣传工作搞得更加有力扎实富有成效——在看望视察解放军报社时的讲话

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新年刚过,中央军委委员、总政治部主任张阳就来到解放军报社视察,并作了题为《充分认清面临的形势任务,努力把新闻宣传工作搞得更加有力扎实富有成效》的重要讲话,对解放军报社及其他军队媒体新闻工作提出了新的要求,意义重大。 After the New Year, Zhang Yang, member of the Central Military Commission and director of the General Political Department, visited the People’s Liberation Army Newspaper Press and made an important speech titled “Fully Confidentiality Confronting the Situation and Tasks and Striving to Make Press and Publicity Work More Solid and Effective” The speech made new demands on the press work of the People’s Liberation Army News Service and other military media and is of great significance.