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支持西部地区开发建设,实现东西部地区协调发展,是我们党领导经济工作的一条重要方针。早在五十年代,毛泽东同志在著名的《论十大关系》中就强调,要处理好沿海工业和内地工业的关系。八十年代,在我国改革开放和现代化建设全面展开以后,邓小平同志提出了“两个大局”的战略构想。“一个大局”是沿海地区加快对外开放,较快地先发展起来,内地要顾全这个大局。另“一个大局”是沿海地区发展到一定时期,要拿出更多的力量帮助内地发展,沿海地区也要顾全这个大局。江泽民同志高度重视这个具有全局意义的重大问题,明确提出实施西部大开发战略是全国发展的一个大战略,从现在起要作为 Supporting the development and construction of the western region and the coordinated development of the eastern and western regions are an important guideline for our party to take the lead in economic work. As early as the 1950s, Comrade Mao Zedong emphasized in his famous article “On the Ten Major Relations,” that the relations between the coastal industries and the industries in the Mainland should be properly handled. In the 1980s, following the full-scale reform and opening up and modernization drive in our country, Comrade Deng Xiaoping proposed the strategic concept of “two overall plans.” “One General Plan ” is to speed up the opening up to the outside world in the coastal areas, to develop first faster and to consider the overall situation in the Mainland. Another “one overall situation” is the development of the coastal areas to a certain period. More efforts should be devoted to helping the development of the Mainland and the coastal areas should also take into consideration this overall situation. Comrade Jiang Zemin attaches great importance to this major issue of global significance and clearly states that the implementation of the strategy for the great development of the western region will be a grand strategy for the development of the whole country and will, from now on, act as a
于 2 0 0 0年 5月至 1 0月期间 ,采用整群随机抽样的方法 ,在宁波市海曙区2 6所小学中随机抽取 6所小学 (区中心小学 1所 ,普通小学 5所 ) 1 - 4年级每年级各一个班 ,同区 49
盐酸帕唑替尼(pazopanib hydrochloride)是由葛兰素史克公司开发的第二代多靶点酪氨酸激酶抑制剂,商品名为VotrientTM,化学名:5-[[4-[(2,3-dimethyl Pazopanib hydrochlorid
有心栽花的经历,往往会因心中有数而平添了一份四平八稳的顺其自然;而无心插柳的邂逅,却会因突如其来而体验更多的惊喜备至。  2005年,我参加了央视《挑战主持人》节目,此时细细算起刚好走过了十年的光景。  当年,不过是一场“姑且试之”的旅程,竟成为一段终生难忘的回忆。  那时的我,刚刚升入大学二年级,尽管已在北大学生电视台工作数日,但是播报北大新闻时仍会紧张得手足无措,短短十几分钟,手心早已是满满的
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在世界500强与中国大型企业发展研讨会上,国务院发展研究中心副主任,中国企业评价协会常务副理市长鲁志强以“世界500强” At the seminar on the world top 500 enterprise