Due to changes in the cell’s living environment or stimuli of physical and chemical factors, a well-differentiated and mature tissue changes its form and function into another tissue process, which is called metaplasia in pathology. Gastrointestinal gland metaplasia is a relatively common metaplasia, also known as intestinal metaplasia, referred to as intestinal metaplasia. This refers to the pathological process in which gastric epithelium and intrinsic glands (mainly pyloric glands) are gradually changed to resemble intestinal epithelial tissues under the influence of inflammation, autoimmunity, and continuous reflux of intestinal contents. Under the microscope, it can be seen that the original gastric epithelial atrophy disappeared and replaced by a tissue similar to the small intestine mucosa, including: high columnar, brush-like margin, absorptive cells with absorption function; goblet cells filled with large amounts of mucus; Short columnar Paneth cells containing eosinophilic particles. Absorb most cells,