Salmonella typhimurium Salmonella is widely in humans and animals between the bacteria can be artificially infected rabbits such as the use of mice for Salmonella typhimurium test mice infected with almost 100% mortality. And the body of mice is very small, quite inconvenient in the observation, and rabbits infected with bacteria can see the severity of the disease range. Rabbits are not affected by oral infection, even if a large number of typhoid bacteria through the duodenal catheter into the stomach, nor disease, after the infusion of bacteria, gastric juice at different times to learn, were negative, all irrigation Of the bacteria were killed within a short period of time. After being infused, the intestinal contents could not be seen after 24 hours of laparotomy. Only a small number of rabbits could develop a small amount of typhoid fever from the duodenum Bacillus, but also from the mesenteric lymph nodes isolated from the bacteria. Fungus, etc. that free