项目管理活动涉及的项目当事人很多并通过合同关系连接成一个活动整体,形成了一个复杂的网络状价值链(见图1)。按项目的组织方式,合同关系中可能包含了面对很多种资源(第三方合同)的项目管理活动。对工程咨询(或项目总承包)公司而言,管理的不只是一个或几个项目,有时甚至是几十个相互独立的项目集群。面对庞大的项目集群,传统的项目管理模式已不适应,引进EPM方法是必由之路。本文介绍EPM方法及在MicrosoftProject Server环境下如何对自身的管理体系在与应用环境拟合之前,对自身进行规划整理的基本方法。管理体系进行规整的目的是提升企业的管理能级,使之具备跃迁到新的管理体系(特别是复杂的软件系统)的条件。
Project management activities involved in the project many parties and through contractual relations into a whole activity, forming a complex value chain network (see Figure 1). Depending on how the project is organized, contractual relationships may include project management activities that address a wide range of resources (third party contracts). For engineering consulting (or project contracting) companies, managing more than one or a few projects, and sometimes even dozens of independent project clusters. The face of a huge project cluster, the traditional project management model has not adapted, the introduction of the EPM method is the only way. This article describes the EPM method and how to plan and organize the EPM method and its own management system before it fits into the application environment under the environment of Microsoft Project Server. The purpose of regulatory system regulation is to enhance the management level of enterprises, to make transition to the new management system (especially complex software systems) conditions.