里根是美国第一位离过婚的总统,前妻是曾获奥斯卡金像奖的女演员简·怀曼。两人于1940年结婚,1941年生下女儿莫林,1945年又收养了一个男孩,取名迈克尔。然而,里根与怀曼的婚姻在1948年走到了尽头,最终分道扬镳。 1952年3月4日,里根与比自己小13岁的女演员南希·戴维斯结婚,后生一女一男,女儿用母亲婚前的姓,叫帕特里夏·戴维斯,昵称帕蒂;儿子比姐姐小6岁,叫罗纳德·普雷斯科特,一般人都叫他罗尼。作为“第一家庭”,其幕后的恩怨纠葛自然是市民百姓酒后茶余所津津乐道的事情,因此也成了作
Reagan was the first divorced president in the United States and his ex-wife was Jane Wyman, an Oscar-winning actress. They married in 1940, gave birth to Molin in 1941, and adopted a boy in 1945, named Michael. However, the marriage of Reagan and Wyman came to an end in 1948 and eventually parted ways. March 4, 1952, Reagan and his 13-year-old actress Nancy Davis married, after the birth of a woman and a man, daughter with mother’s premarital name, called Patricia Davis, nickname Patty ; Son than sister small 6 years old, called Ronald Prescott, most people call him Ronnie. As the “first family”, behind the scenes of grievances and disputes naturally is the people of the country after drinking tea, relish, so it has become