,An Array of One-Dimensional Porous Silicon Photonic Crystal Reflector Islands for a Far-Infrared Im

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songjinyi2001
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With the aid of photolithography, an array of one-dimensional porous silicon photonic crystal reflector islands for a far infrared image detector ranging from 10μm to 14μm is successfully fabricated. Silicon nitride formed by low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) was used as the masking layer for the island array formation. After etching, the microstructures were examined by a scanning electron microscope and the optical properties were studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, the result indicates that the multilayer structure could be obtained in the perpendicular direction via periodically alteative etching current in each pre-patteru. At the same time, the island array has a well-proportioned lateral etching effect, which is very useful for the thermal isolation in lateral orientation of the application in devices. It is concluded that regardless of the absorption of the deposition layer on the substrate, the localized photonic crystalline islands have higher reflectivity. The designed islands structure not only prevents the cracking of the porous silicon layers but is also useful for the application in the cold part for the sensor devices and the interconnection of each pixel.
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一元复始,万象更新。2019年,你有哪些自我提升的计划呢?  以下是依据各考试官网、人力资源及社会保障部的相关数据归纳的一份考试日历,希望为大家的备考计划和学习进度提供一些参考。  3月  2、3日:证券业从业人员资格  2、17、23日:GRE考试  2、7、9、14、21、23、30日:雅思  3、9、16、30、31日:托福  9日:教师资格(笔试)  23日:期货从业人员资格、英语专业八级