以碳化钨硬质合金棒为电极材料,对4Cr5Mo Si V热作模具进行了电火花涂层制备,并对涂层进行了SEM和XRD分析以及磨损试验、热疲劳试验和高温氧化试验。结果表明,电火花涂层致密、无明显微裂纹,主要由Fe_3W_3C、(Cr Fe)_7C_3和W_2C组成。与未制备涂层的4Cr5MoSiV热作模具相比,明显提高模具的耐磨损性能、抗热疲劳性能和抗高温氧化性能,制备电火花涂层的模具在25℃的磨损体积减少85.06%,在500℃的磨损体积减少88.44%,高温氧化后的单位面积质量增加减少96.56%,热疲劳裂纹级别从10级变为3级。
The tungsten carbide rod as the electrode material, the 4Cr5Mo Si V hot die was EDM preparation, and the coating was analyzed by SEM and XRD and wear test, thermal fatigue test and high temperature oxidation test. The results show that the EDM is dense and has no obvious microcracks. It mainly consists of Fe_3W_3C, (CrFe) _7C_3 and W_2C. Compared with the 4Cr5MoSiV hot die without coating, the die wear resistance, thermal fatigue resistance and high temperature oxidation resistance of the die were significantly improved. The wear volume of the die prepared with the EDM decreased 85.06% at 25 ℃. The wear volume decreased by 88.44% at 500 ℃, the mass per unit area increased by 96.56% after high temperature oxidation, and the thermal fatigue cracked level changed from 10 to 3.