以准噶尔盆地东部露天矿区为研究区,基于GIS技术和土壤风蚀理论,结合研究区自然环境现状,选取植被覆盖度、土地利用类型、土壤可蚀性指数(K值)、地形起伏度为土壤风蚀危险度评价因子,建立土壤风蚀危险度模型,对研究区土壤风蚀危险度进行评价分析。结果表明:研究区土壤风蚀无险型区域面积28.99km2(0.13%),轻险型区域面积为2 100.66km2(9.42%),危险型区域面积为5 066.56km2(22.72%),强险型区域面积为14 593.12km2(65.44%),极险型区域面积为646.7km2(2.29%)。在各个因子的影响下,研究区的风蚀危险度极高,强险型为研究区内最主要的等级程度。研究区土壤风蚀危险度从南向北危险度有增加的趋势,且成片状分布,与实际情况相吻合,说明基于GIS技术的土壤风蚀危险度评价可宏观地揭示新疆准东地区土壤风蚀危险度空间格局分异特征。
Taking the opencast mining area in eastern Junggar Basin as a study area, based on the GIS technology and wind erosion theory, combined with the current natural environment in the study area, vegetation coverage, land use types, soil erodibility index (K value) Risk assessment factors, the risk model of soil wind erosion is established, and the risk of soil erosion in the study area is evaluated and analyzed. The results show that the area of soil wind erosion is 28.99km2 (0.13%) in the study area, the area of light-danger area is 2 100.66km2 (9.42%), the area of hazardous area is 5 066.56km2 (22.72%), The area is 14 593.12km2 (65.44%), and the extremely dangerous area is 646.7km2 (2.29%). Under the influence of various factors, the risk of wind erosion in the study area is extremely high, and the strong hazard type is the most important degree in the study area. The hazard degree of soil wind erosion in the study area tends to increase from south to north and distributes in the form of flake, which agrees well with the actual situation. This indicates that the risk assessment of soil wind erosion based on GIS technology can amply reveal the risk of soil erosion in the quasi-east Xinjiang Degree spatial pattern differentiation characteristics.