1987年5年,大兴安岭地区发生特大森林火灾,笔者使用TM图象进行了火情监测,对救火指挥部了解火场情状,部署救火活动,估算灾害损失,制订重建规划等起到较重要作用。 林火温度可达1200—1500°K,这种温度的黑体的辐射峰值为1.93—2.41μ,正与TM7波段的光谱响应范围(2.08—2.35μ)一致,故该波段很适于林火监测,以TM7.4.3赋红、绿、兰色合成的图象具近天然彩色。 与气象卫星图象相比,TM具有更高的空间分辨和更佳的几何保真度,故能更精确确定火场位置。数字镶嵌成的灾区全景图算出过火总面积达126万公顷,并据此绘制出灾害等级图。 比较分析了灾前、灾中、灾后该地区的TM图象,可以看出:轻灾区大部分林木复苏,中、重灾区阴坡长了许多草木灌木,某些重灾区阳坡的局部地段已出现水土流失迹象。
In 5 years in 1987, there was a superficial forest fire in Daxinganling area. The author carried out fire monitoring by using TM images. It played an important role in understanding fire situation, arranging fire fighting activities, estimating disaster losses and formulating reconstruction plans. Forest fires can reach temperatures of 1200-1500 ° K, with a blackbody radiation peak of 1.93-2.41μ at this temperature, consistent with the spectral response range (2.08-2.35μ) of the TM7 band, so this band is well suited for forest fire monitoring , To TM7.4.3 Fu red, green, blue synthetic image with a natural color. Compared with meteorological satellite image, TM has higher spatial resolution and better geometric fidelity, so it can determine the location of fire more accurately. Digital mosaic into the disaster area panorama calculated over the total area of 1260000 hectares, and draw a map of the disaster level. A comparative analysis was made of the TM images of the area before, during and after the disaster. It can be seen that most of the trees recovered in the disaster-stricken areas and many vegetation shrubs were on the shady slopes in the affected areas. Some of the severely affected sunny slopes Water and soil loss signs.