让创新的骨气贯穿始终 中央企业已成为国家科技创新的主力军

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“科技是国之利器,国家赖之以强,企业赖之以赢,人民生活赖之以好。中国要强,中国人民生活要好,必须有强大科技。”5月30日,习近平总书记在全国科技创新大会上的讲话与此前中共中央、国务院印发的《国家创新驱动发展战略纲要》,都传递出建设世界科技强国的强烈紧迫感。但我们的现状如何?同建设世界科技强国的目标相比,我国发展还面临重大科技瓶颈,关键领域核心技术受制于人的格局没有从根本上改变,科技基础 “Science and technology are the weapon of the country, the country depends on it with strength, the enterprise depends on it and the people’s life depends on it. China is stronger, the Chinese people’s life is better, and there must be strong technology.” On May 30, General Secretary Xi Jinping The speech at the National Science and Technology Innovation Conference and the “Outline for National Innovation-Driven Development Strategy” issued by the Central Government and the State Council all today convey the strong sense of urgency in building a world science and technology powerhouse. However, what is the status quo? Compared with the goal of building a world science and technology powerhouse, China’s development still faces major bottlenecks in science and technology. The pattern of restraining the core technology in key areas has not fundamentally changed. The science and technology foundation