From July to September 1987, a gastroenteritis pandemic occurred in and around Kashmir, India, particularly in and around Srinagar. As some of the previous season gastrointestinal symptoms are more common in poor urban areas, so the beginning of the outbreak did not pay attention. Until the number of affected people reaches several thousands, and all cases of social economic strata have occurred, a comprehensive epidemiological investigation was started from early November of that year. The survey interviewed 150 families. Among them, 39 families experienced at least one obvious gastrointestinal disease from June to September 1987. It is characterized by light, moderate abdominal pain or abdominal distention within 15 minutes to 1 hour of eaten breakfast or dinner. The food to be eaten is either bread made from local flour or unfermented bread made at home after the flour is purchased from the local market. In the survey of 97