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企业社会责任一直是很多公司用来提升他们公众形象的有利工具,以及对提高销售额起到潜在的作用。而且,公司的企业社会责任还会给其潜在员工传达重要的信号。根据经济咨询公司EPG的一份报告显示,美国和英国财富500强的公司每年总计花费超过150亿美元的经费在企业社会责任相关的活动上。不只是存粹地做好事,这样做的回报是公司的 Corporate social responsibility has always been a powerful tool that many companies use to enhance their public image, and it has a potential role in increasing sales. Moreover, the company’s corporate social responsibility will also convey important signals to its potential employees. According to a report by the economic consulting firm EPG, the U.S. and U.K. Fortune 500 companies spend more than $15 billion each year on corporate social responsibility-related activities. It’s not just doing good deeds. The reward for doing so is the company’s
宝宝笑起来的时候,露出了洁白的牙齿,这是每个妈妈都希望看到的情景。要想让宝宝有一口洁白漂亮的牙齿,从零岁开始就要做好口腔护理了。  宝宝第一颗乳牙萌出的时间平均为6个月,但是由于个体差异比较大,最早的4个多月就开始萌出了,晚的要到1岁左右。有的专家建议,在乳牙萌出之前就要进行清洁和按摩牙龈,这样不仅有助于建立一个健康的口腔生态环境,而且有助于牙齿正常和健康地萌出。    从清除牙菌斑开始  宝宝出